Abu Baker Asedeeq Preparatory Independent School

TAMAM Improvement Project (2015-2016)
A Proposed Model to Increase Qatari Students’ Motivation to Learn – A Case Study.
*This improvement initiative was under the supervision of TAMAM coaches in the National Center for Educational Development, NCED in the College of Education in Qatar University
The TAMAM Team at Abu Baker Asedeeq Preparatory Independent School collected data to prioritize the problems faced and held many discussions about these problems. They found that the most important issue was a decrease in the level of motivation among Qatari students, especially after their transition from seventh to eighth grade and later to ninth grade. The TAMAM team collaborated with the rest of the school faculty members to find innovative training material and motivational means to address the problem. The team collected feedback from teachers, students and parents, and collaborated to identify procedures that would help increase students’ motivation to learn.