Dhahran Ahliyya School for Boys
TAMAM Action Research Project lead by a team in the school (2015-2017)
The purpose of this study is to improve student performance in Qudorat Test in Dhahran Ahliyya School (DAS). Qudorat Test is considered an important piece for students to be able to attend college locally. It also gives valuable information to administrators, teachers, parents, and students about the achievement level and about the skills of students. With the observation of score drop of Qudorat during the past three consecutive years, there is a need for an action research study to get a clue on how to improve their performance. There are several factors that might be the cause of such issue, such as students’ behavior in and out of classes and poor test preparations. Above all, continuous improvement of student performance is part of the Dharan Ahliyya School’s mission. Therefore, this research aim to enable students to perform better in Qudorat through evaluating students’ performance and determining what facts are causing poor academic outcome. Thus, there are two approaches in this research, which are exploring the reliability and validity of new scales for measuring students’ academic performance and evaluating possible links between students’ academic performance and other factors such as students’ behavior and lack of test preparation and future plans.
Results indicated that students have the ability to follow structured steps (big six) in solving informational problems, but they have difficulties in rephrasing, summarizing, and organizing skills. Furthermore, the approach helped teachers to make learning more learner-centered.
The recommendations and actions that were followed: sharing the results with teachers, teaching the students intentionally on rephrasing, summarizing, and organizing skills, providing teachers with rubric to assess students, coordinating research assignments among teachers, and providing library with resources that fit the students’ age groups.”