Ahliyyah School for Girls & Bishop Schools
TAMAM Improvement Project (2015)
Exploring the Phenomenon of Bullying Among Students: A Developmental Need to Address
*This improvement initiative was under the supervision of peer coaches.
The vision and mission of the school is to provide outstanding education to its students so that they can serve and develop their own country. The school strives to provide quality education for its students to become competent citizens who are able to realize their potential by being highly educated, critical, highly emotional, knowledgeable, initiators of change, responsible, productive, aware of their cultural heritage, open to the world, and adopt highly valued human virtues.
Due to the school’s belief in the importance of developing the school and meeting its needs, periodic meetings were held between members of the TAMAM team in Al Ahliyyah and Bishop schools to ask questions about the most important problems faced by students in both schools and thus to identify the developmental need of these schools. Several cases have been identified, most of which fall under the name of bullying, showing that such a phenomenon exists in several age cycles in both schools. The purpose of the research was to provide a safe free of bullying environment that positively reflect on the students’ learning and achievements. The causes and manifestations of this problem were identified and understood in more depth. A questionnaire was designed to gather information more accurately; and to identify developmental and procedural objectives.
TAMAM Improvement Project (2009-2010)
Action Research: The Major Activities the School Offered to Empower Students
*This improvement initiative was under the supervision of TAMAM Steering Team.
The action research project aimed to confirm that the school lived up to its mission of empowering young women by providing them with knowledge, choices and opportunities to grow and become agents of change in their society. Accordingly, the study explored the major activities the school offered to empower students. The outcome of the action research was used to direct future action plans to further enhance and fulfill the mission of the school.
The methodology used was survey, questionnaire, and focus groups. Results indicated that within the range of acceptable variation among individuals, the teachers were in harmony with the school’s mission and tried to transfer it to the students. However, it was interpreted that the teachers’ prioritization of the significance of the activities explored did not completely match that of students, where efforts were needed to better understand what influences students and emphasize it in teachers’ performances. The next step was to establish a Research and Development Unit that aims at providing the school with data to help in decision-making that is more evidence-based.
*This improvement initiative was under the supervision of peer coaches.
The objective of the TAMAM team project is to investigate what goes on in grade eight and what can be done in order to make sure that teachers provide the optimum atmosphere for teaching and learning, taking into consideration what the students are going through physically. In a way, this will be a reflection on what teachers do to engage the students at a critical age. The TAMAM team also envisages that this project will move with the students to grade nine next year.