“Sustaining School Improvement post the Pandemic: Teachers Empowerment for Leading Learning” – Conference at Sultan Qabous University.1/3/2021
The Educational Foundation and Administration Department at the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman held a virtual conference entitled Leadership for Learning in Disruptive Times (Covid-19 ) on Monday, March 1, 2021.
Dr. Rima Karami was invited to be one of the main speakers at the beginning of this conference, as she is the director of the TAMAM project that deals with schools in the Arab world and interacted with them during this crisis. Dr. Rima’s speech was titled Sustaining School Improvement Post-the Pandemic: Teacher Empowerment for Leading Learning in which she addressed a study on the experience of five participating schools in TAMAM in their leadership of the educational process during the pandemic and the competencies that helped them to do so.
To view the session, please contact us.
Here is the link for the Facebook Post.