Al Maymouna Education Partnership with TAMAM: Educational Plan Training 7/10/2023
As part of the partnership between Al Maymouna Education and TAMAM aimed at enhancing the performance of teachers, building on the core recommendations related to the development of kindergarten teachers and teachers of the first cycle, the Central Administration of Al Maymouna Education Schools hosted a training session at the Al Maymouna Education School building, Mustafa and Hiyam Al-Louzi Branch, Birkayel, on Friday, October 6, 2023, titled “Educational Plan,” presented by the expert, Mrs. Zeina Yassin.
The session discussed the nature and importance of the educational plan and its components, in addition to explaining the concept of aligning activities with objectives and aligning assessment with activities and objectives. It also delved into the details of the steps involved in preparing an educational plan and the stages of learning.
The session also included an explanation of active learning strategies and a practical activity on preparing a lesson plan and discussing it.
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