Research Themes
Research in TAMAM is on-going, building on a rich array of learning experiences in different types of schools and in various community contexts that emerge throughout the development work while building capacity for school based improvement. As a result, the TAMAM research outcome is mostly actionable geared towards refining the Capacity Building Program, and expanding its components to target a broader array of existing and potential challenges. Thorough documentation is ongoing in TAMAM, as such, TAMAM currently possess a rich data bank that captures the progress of all the activities being carried out towards achieving its strategic goals. This data bank can be categorized in many domains that are researchable and that promise to enrich the knowledge base on school-based improvement. These domains are:
Title: Researchable Domains in TAMAM
Credits to Dr. Julia Mafhouz, Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership of Educational Organizations, University of Colorado-Denver
Currently TAMAM has 15 publications (6 technical reports, 6 journal articles, one conference paper, one thesis and one book) in addition to several forthcoming publications that document the progress and outcomes of its research activities. These outcomes are also disseminated in the form of presentations in several regional and international conferences. TAMAM current research outcomes can be categorized under the following themes: Background research on school reform, development and implementation of the TAMAM Capacity Building Program, evaluation of TAMAM’s impact, and factors supporting or hindering school-based improvement. Click on any theme to the right to access TAMAM’s research work.